GFF-0431 Washington Wetlands Activation 10.12.2021

Today I decided to do a new GxFF activation in the North of England this one been Washington Wetlands just " West of Sunderland  " .

I took the Northern Rail service from Hartlepool to Sunderland and then the Tyne and Wear metro service to South Hylton which is the last stop on the system and then the walk to Cox Green which is around 3 miles to the Washington Wetlands Centre. 

Once arrived I set up the UK Antennas 49:1 with the 80m antenna which is around 22m long and over a few trees I was ready to go .

The radio was the Icom IC-705 running 5w and I worked a number of P2P qsos and a few around the UK and Europe on 40m and 20m and also worked a few on 80m with a total of 50 contacts. 

I was using the 2ZE suffix /P  and will be through to December 26th 2021.
I managed to qualify for the activation but only just with poor conditions and deep QSB , All logs have been uploaded to EQSL WWFF and CQGMA. 

73 44 Carl 2E0HPI  ( SWL Reports are most welcome  ) 

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